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Your Top Lapel Badge Questions [FAQs]

Written by Chloe Ranford | September 11, 2024 at 10:00 PM

New to custom lapel badges and not sure where to start?

You're in the right place. With hundreds of thousands of lapel badges under our belt, we at Badges And Medals have seen - and solved - about every question you might have.

In this article, you’ll find the clear answers you need to make confident decisions about your badges.

Or, if you want to jump to a specific question, click one of the links below:

Lapel Badge FAQs: Your Quick Start Guide

What is a lapel badge?

We’re all familiar with badges, but what’s the deal with the “lapel” part?

The lapel is the folded part of a suit, shirt or jacket just below the collar.

In the past, people pinned their badges on the lapel because the thicker material provided the perfect support.

This led to them being called "lapel badges". But don’t let the name fool you!

These days people can (and will) attach their badges to almost anything - clothing or otherwise.

What are lapel badges used for?

Lapel badges are often confused for name badges.

But, while lapel badges can have a name on them, their real purpose isn’t just to tell you who someone is.

They’re made to show people what someone stands for, what they’ve achieved, or what group they belong to.

For example, high schools often use lapel badges to show which student is choir captain.

Seeing the lapel badge tells you the student is part of the choir and has earned a leadership position.

This versatility makes lapel badges one of the most popular awards in the world. They can be used by anyone, for any purpose, across any industry, making them the go-to choice when you want to make a statement.

Lapel badges are very popular amongst schools.

How much do lapel badges cost?

When it comes to the cost of lapel badges, the truth is it all comes down to your choices.

Because each badge is custom-made to fit your specific needs, prices can vary. You might pay as little as US$0.55 or as much as US$4 per badge, and that’s before adding in any extra features you might want.

Here’s what impacts the price:

  • The number of lapel badges you order:

The more badges you order, the cheaper each badge will cost.

This is because larger orders allow suppliers to spread out their production costs more efficiently, helping to bring down the overall price.

  • The supplier's setup fee:

Most suppliers charge a setup fee to create the mould for your badges.

The good news? This is typically a one-time charge since the mould can be used again.

At Badges And Medals, this fee is around US$70.

  • The level of customisation you want:

Lapel badges are incredibly versatile, and the more customisation you want, the more the price can increase.

Some suppliers include all types of customisation in their base price, while others might charge extra for additional features. Click here to skip to all the different ways to customise your lapel badge.

What are MOQs, and how do they affect lapel badge prices?

Most suppliers have a minimum order quantity, or 'MOQ'.

Simply put, this is the smallest number of items you need to order at one time.

For example, if a supplier’s MOQ is 10 lapel badges, you must buy at least 10.

MOQs exist to cover the basic costs of production - things like labour, materials, and overhead.

Without an MOQ, a supplier could lose money on small orders.

It’s a bit like roasting a whole chicken just for the drumsticks.

Not every supplier has an MOQ, but it’s something to keep in mind when budgeting or choosing a supplier.

At Badges And Medals, our minimum spend is US$450 + GST.

Check out our other MOQs here: 'Common Questions About Working With Badges And Medals'.

Lapel badges are generally cheaper than other awards.

What are the pros and cons of lapel badges?

Just like anything else, lapel badges have their pros and cons.

Let’s dive into both, so you can see if they’re the right fit for you.

The advantages of lapel badges:

  • They're durable enough to last several lifetimes.
  • You can customise them in almost any way you want.
  • They're easy for people to show off.
  • They're usually cheaper than other awards.
  • Their small size makes them easy to hand out or mail.
  • They're universally popular! Lapel badges are loved by all different industries, from businesses to schools.

The disadvantages of lapel badges:

  • They can be easy to lose.
  • They aren't as symbolically powerful as other awards, like medals.
  • Their small size limits the detail you can include in their design.
  • They might not last as long as other awards because they're worn more often.

How customisable are lapel badges?

When it comes to customising lapel badges, the sky’s the limit.

If you’ve got an idea in mind, chances are you can bring it to life.

Take a look at the two tables below to explore all the different options available.

Keep in mind that there’s a difference between what you can change (standard lapel badge features that are flexible) and what you can add (extras that depend on your supplier).

But don’t worry our tables break this down for you.

Here are features you can change:

What can I change?

What is it?

Badge material

Most lapel badges are made from zinc alloy. However, you can change this to brass if you'd like a heavier badge. This makes people think it's worth more.

Badge size

The most popular lapel badge sizes are 30mm and 40mm. However, you can make your badge much smaller or larger than these. For example, at Badges And Medals we also make 10mm and 45mm badges.

Badge thickness

Most lapel badges are around 1.5mm thick, but you can go thicker or thinner. If you want your lapel badge to feel like it's worth more, go thicker, because that adds weight to the badge. But if you’re looking to save on costs or make the badge lighter for kids, you can slim it down too.

Badge shape

Lapel badges are typically round or oval, but there’s no rule that says they have to be! You can pick any shape that fits your style or message.

Badge colour

Most lapel badges have either a gold or silver base. However, you can go for something more unique if you'd like. Popular alternatives include bronze, white or black.

Badge clasp

A lapel badge clasp is what keeps your badge securely fastened to your clothing. The most popular options are the clutch pin, the magnet, and the straight pin. The clutch and straight pins are great for easy on-and-off use, but can put holes in your clothes. The magnet, on the other hand, doesn't create holes but may not stay put if you wear thicker clothes, like a jumper. The choice depends on how often you’ll be wearing the badge and how secure you need it to be.

Here are features you can add:

What can I add?

What is it?


Enamel is used by suppliers to colour in details on your badge. Without enamel, your coin is colourless.

Personalised engraving

You can have words laser-engraved onto a lapel badge, creating a personal connection between the recipient and their badge. Whether it’s a name or something else meaningful, the choice is yours.

Unique materials

One of the best ways to make your lapel badge stand out is by incorporating unique materials into the design. Imagine using seashells or plastic "metal" sheets for part of your logo. It instantly adds a touch of luxury.

Three-dimensional parts

When something is 3D, it has depth, width, and height - it’s not just flat. Adding 3D elements to a lapel badge gives it that extra dimension that really grabs attention.

A texture

Textures are an excellent way to bring interest to your lapel badge. They come in many forms, such as crosshatching or sandblasting.


A cut-out is a design feature where parts of the lapel badge are removed to create negative space. It's often used to add depth or highlight certain elements of the badge's design.

Glow-in-the-dark colours

Glow-in-the-dark colours do just what you’d expect - they shine in the dark. Adding them to your lapel badge makes it more eye-catching and memorable, especially for events held at night. Just keep in mind, these colours work best for highlighting specific areas of your badge, not covering the entire thing.

When should you order lapel badges?

The golden rule of thumb is to contact your lapel badge supplier about four to five weeks before you need your badges.

If you have a big order of more than 5000 badges, add another week, just to be safe.

This gives your supplier enough time to design, make and deliver your lapel badges but still gives you time if something unexpected happens.

But, there's no harm in ordering even earlier.

Unlike some other custom items, like wedding cakes, lapel badges don't expire.

So, if you know what you want, why wait?

Getting a head start comes with heaps of benefits - it reduces stress, saves you money (because you avoid 'rush order' fees), and even gives you the chance to request a sample badge from your supplier, to check its quality.

How do you order lapel badges?

If ordering custom lapel badges feels daunting, don’t worry.

It's a breeze once you know what to do!

First, reach out to a reliable lapel badge supplier.

You can usually do this by filling out a form on their website or simply sending them an email.

When you contact them, include all the important details: how many lapel badges you need, any design ideas you have, and when you need them to arrive.

Next, the supplier will send you a free quote.

This is where you’ll find out how much it will cost to order your custom lapel badges from this supplier.

Take a good look at it, and if anything isn’t clear or doesn’t add up, don’t hesitate to ask questions.

If you’re happy with the price, the supplier will start working on the design for your badges.

(If you’re curious whether the supplier sticks to your ideas, creates their own, or lets you take the reins on design, skip to the next question.)

You’ll get to review the design they create, and most suppliers will work with you to make revisions as many times as needed until it’s exactly what you envisioned.

Finally, once you’ve given the thumbs up on the design, the supplier will start making them.

From there, it’s just waiting for your badges to arrive.

It’s that straightforward!

A lapel badge tucked into a 'Thank You' card.

Do you design the lapel badge yourself?

You have two great options when it comes to designing your custom lapel badge: take charge and create it yourself, or leave the design work to the experts.

If you already have a clear idea in mind, feel free to create your design.

Don’t stress about fancy software - some people sketch their idea out on paper and scan it in, or create a picture collage.

The supplier will then take your idea and polish it up a bit.

On the other hand, if you’re unsure where to start, you can rely on the supplier's design team.

Most suppliers have an award designer - or sometimes even an entire team - who can create a custom badge design for you.

The best part? This service is usually free.

What do you need to give the supplier’s design team?

Honestly, you don’t need to bring much to the table.

A skilled lapel badge designer can bring your vision to life, even if you’re not entirely sure what that vision looks like yet.

But if you want to make the process smoother, it’s helpful to share a few things.

Start with a high-resolution version of your organisation’s logo and samples of your brand colours.

If you’ve seen other lapel badges you like, share those too - this can give the designer a clearer sense of your style.

You might also consider sending any sketches, even rough ones, or a mood board that captures the vibe you’re going for.

This can help the designer create something that perfectly represents your vision.

An example of a mock-up you might send a supplier.

Still have questions?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t know much about lapel badges, but taking the time to learn the basics can make all the difference.

With over 50 years of experience, we’ve guided countless people through the process, so that they can make informed decisions.

By addressing the most common lapel badge questions, we’ve equipped you with the same knowledge so you can move forward with confidence.

If you still have questions or if you’re ready to place an order, feel free to reach out to our team by filling out this short and easy form.