Army soldier next to a custom New Zealand Army challenge coin.

You’ve probably never said, "I want a challenge coin that symbolises everything my squad has achieved during our time in the Army." And who could blame you? It’s a mouthful. But really, you want a challenge coin that does just that. The hard part is knowing where to begin design-wise.

Lucky for you, you're in the right place.

At Badges And Medals, we’ve been where you are - staring at that empty design space, unsure where to start. But here’s the thing: we’ve designed and crafted hundreds of Army challenge coins, and through that experience, we’ve learned that sometimes the best ideas come when you look outside the box. That’s why we’ve pulled together this list of top-notch Army challenge coins, each chosen for its standout design. These examples will give you the spark to turn your ideas into reality.

Best Army Challenge Coin Designs:

  1. The 'Irish Ranger' Coin (United Kingdom)

Picture of a custom Irish Ranger challenge coin.

Most challenge coins stick to one edge type, if they use any at all.

But the designers of this took it up a notch by deciding to use two.

This creates a piece that's like nothing you've seen before.

First up is the reeded edge. It gives the coin the familiar feel of currency, instantly marking it as valuable. But the designers didn’t stop there. They also added a grid edge on the face - a subtle pattern that draws your eye without overshadowing the main design.

What really sets the 'Irish Ranger' coin apart, though, is the intricate design on both sides. Most coins have one side that's simple while the other is detailed. By going all-in with details on both sides, the designer makes the coin feel more significant and lets it tell a more complex story.

Creative takeaways:

  • Don't forget about the coin edge!
  • Use recognisable symbols and colours. This creates an immediate, personal connection with the challenge coin's recipients.

Made by: World Challenge Coins

  1. The 'East Coast Company' Coin (New Zealand)

Picture of a custom Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment challenge coin.

We’ve all seen gold and silver challenge coins. But bronze? Not so much! 

Yet choosing a bronze base colour is a simple yet powerful way to add depth and meaning to your army challenge coin. Bronze has long been a go-to material for militaries around the world, and with good reason. It’s tough, reliable, and easy to shape into detailed designs. Its parent metal, copper, which gives bronze its distinctive hue, has its own history in the military, showing up in everything from buttons to ammunition casings. 

By selecting bronze as the base colour for the 'East Coast Company' challenge coin, the designer has added a subtle nod to the Army. Plus, its warm tone is quite eye-catching and makes the smaller details pop in a way that a gold or silver base simply wouldn't have been able to match.

Creative takeaways:

  • Picking a unique base colour! It's a simple but effective way to add meaning to your challenge coin and make it more memorable.

Made by: Badges And Medals

  1. The 'Army Veteran' Coin (United States)

Custom United States Army veteran challenge coin.

When it comes to challenge coins, details are everything.

And this coin doesn’t cut corners.

While some challenge coin designers simplify their client's ideas for easier production, losing the sharpness and clarity that give their design its meaning, this one stays true to every fine line and sharp edge.

The result? A work of art.

One standout feature is the coin's cross-cut edge. The diamond pattern catches the light in a way that catches your eye, adding to the coin's already detailed design. Plus, the tactile feel of the edge invites you to pick up the challenge coin and examine it, adding an interactive element.

Another striking detail is the sandblasting of certain parts of the coin, like the word "ARMY." This gives the areas a grainy texture that contrasts beautifully with the polished surface. When the light hits it just right, those sandblasted areas sparkle, making the coin feel even more valuable.

Creative takeaways:

  • Embrace the little details! Sharp lines and small areas of colour can make your challenge coin appear more luxurious and valuable.
  • Play with different textures to make your design more dynamic.

Made by: Ranger Industries

  1. The 'Regular Force Cadet School Coin' (New Zealand)

Custom Regular Force Cadet School challenge coin.

Three things make this coin a standout: its shape, bold use of colour, and repeated design. 

But before we dive into those details, let's start with a bit of background. 

The Regular Force Cadet School was a New Zealand Army unit that trained cadets between 1948 and 1991. 

This is subtly hinted at in its design. How? With colour. 

One side keeps it simple with a plain background, letting the detailed emblem take centre stage. Flip it over and the bold red background makes that same emblem pop. This reflects the dual nature of the school’s history, balancing discipline (plain) with youthful energy (red). 

Another great design feature is its shape. While most challenge coins stick to the traditional round shape, this one breaks the mould with its unique oval form, making it more memorable. Then there’s its repeated design. By keeping the emblem the same on both sides, the challenge coin’s message stays clear and recognisable.

Creative takeaways:

  • Don't be afraid to pick a unique coin shape!
  • Use colour strategically to draw attention or add meaning.

Made by: Badges And Medals

  1. The 'U.S. Army' Coin (United States)

Custom United States Army challenge coin.

When most people design challenge coins, they play it safe and stick with what’s been done before. 

But every so often, a coin comes along that breaks the mould - and the ‘U.S. Army' coin is a great example of that. Your eye can't help but jump from one design choice to the next.

First, you notice the strategically placed colour - a bold green that's popular in Army uniforms, making it clear at a glance who the coin is for.

The colour naturally draws your eye to the three-dimensional (3D) skull that jumps right off the coin, adding a striking level of depth. As you keep exploring, your gaze follows the contours around the skull, leading you to the other side, where the intricate details start to stand out. And just when you think you’ve seen it all, you notice the coin’s unique shape and size - features that truly set it apart from the standard, round designs you’re used to. It's no wonder this is our favourite Army challenge coin design!

Creative takeaways:

  • Think outside the box! Look at how different design elements can work together to take your coin’s impact to the next level.
  • Use 3D elements to draw attention to specific parts of your coin.

Made by: Coins For Anything Inc.

Create your own Army challenge coin!

You came here looking for inspiration to design a custom Army challenge coin.

Hopefully, you’re leaving with a head full of ideas.

By sharing our favourite Army challenge coins, we’ve aimed to give you the creative spark you need to get started.

At Badges And Medals, we’re dedicated to helping you bring your vision to life.

Now that you’re ready to take the next step, it’s time to figure out the costs.

Check out our article, 'How Much Do Custom Challenge Coins Cost?' to find out what to expect.

read: How Much Do Custom Challenge Coins Cost?