Picture of a custom challenge coin next to a bag of money.Sticking to your budget is easy when you know a few tips and tricks…

Creating something meaningful on a budget can be a real headache, especially with challenge coins. The costs of these long-standing symbols of accomplishment and teamwork can pile up, particularly if your guest list rivals a small town. It might seem like your only choice is to splurge or settle for less. But guess what? That’s not true!

At Badges and Medals, we've helped hundreds of clients score high-quality custom challenge coins without blowing their budget. In this article, you'll learn five clever tricks you can use today to save money on your coins without sacrificing their significance.

  1. Order your challenge coins in advance:

Timing is everything in event planning, and the timing of your challenge coin order is no different. Here's how ordering early can save you some serious cash and why delaying can cost you more:

  • Ordering less than 5 weeks before your due date:
    You should order your challenge coins around 37 days, or five weeks, before your event. 

    If you order any later than this, it will be considered a 'rush job'. Rush jobs cost more because they disrupt the supplier's schedule. Plan ahead to avoid the extra fees!

  • Ordering 5 weeks to 2 months before your due date:
    This is when most people place their orders. This gives you time to explore different designs, materials, and options to see what gets you the best deal. Meanwhile, your supplier has time to plan their production, saving money on resources and labour, which means better prices for you. They might even be able to bundle your order with others when they ship it from their factory to your nearest office, reducing shipping fees.

  • Ordering 2+ months before your due date:
    As the old adage goes, "The early bird gets the worm!" 

    Ordering well in advance means your supplier can ship your coins or their materials over by boat instead of plane. Boat shipping is far cheaper than air as boats use less fuel and carry more cargo. This can save you up to 16% per coin. For instance, ordering 250 challenge coins in June instead of August could save you about US$0.60 per coin, adding up to US$150! Just think of what else you could spend that money on! Some challenge coin suppliers may also offer discounts for early orders because it guarantees them work in advance.
  1. Pick a smaller coin:

Challenge coins are usually about 50mm wide.

There's no real reason for this - it's just the standard size most suppliers use. But choosing a smaller size can save you money because it uses less materials. For example, a hundred 40mm coins are about 7.5% cheaper than a hundred 50mm ones at Badges And Medals. So, if you're looking to cut costs, choosing a slightly smaller coin can make a big difference without losing the quality or impact of your design. Plus, most people won't even notice it's smaller!

A picture showing the difference between 50mm and 40mm challenge coins.The difference in size between a 50mm and 40mm challenge coin.

  1. Ask for a flat freight fee:

Surprise shipping costs? No thanks!

Keep your bill as low as possible by asking your challenge coin supplier for a flat freight fee. This is a set cost that stays the same, no matter what. It's a particularly good idea if you order challenge coins in advance because, unlike standard shipping, it won't fluctuate with the market, which can change due to factors like the time of year. (For example, shipping costs go up around Christmas!)

To calculate the fee your supplier looks at the number of coins you've ordered, the weight of each coin, plus the distance between their office and yours.

  1. Pick up the challenge coins in person:

Sure, doorstep delivery is convenient, but it can be pricey. Luckily, there's a simple solution: go old school and pick them up in person. This way, you skip the possibly expensive shipping fees altogether! If you can’t make it over yourself, maybe a friend or team member can help for a coffee. Just contact your supplier’s customer service team to see if you can collect your coins from their office. It's simple but effective!

  1. Buy challenge coins in bulk:

Buying in bulk is a classic way to save money.

Ordering all your coins at once allows suppliers to streamline their production process, use resources better, and cut costs like rent and salaries because they spend less time stopping and starting machines. These savings get passed on to you, so you pay less per challenge coin for a bulk order than several smaller ones. Think of it like buying in bulk at the grocery store. As an example, look at how bulk buying changes the price of a challenge coin from Badges And Medals:

  • 25 coins = about US$8.50 each
  • 100 coins = about US$4.30 each
  • 250 coins = about US$3.90 each

An infographic showing how buying in bulk reduces challenge coin prices.

Turn these tips into a reality

Our team at Badges And Medals has helped thousands of people create amazing challenge coins that fit their budget using these simple tips and tricks. Armed with our knowledge, you’ll never have to compromise on the importance or quality of your coins again. Your events will shine, and so will you, knowing that you've managed to pinch a few pennies.

If you have any questions or want to try out one of the cost-saving options mentioned above, contact us here. We’re dedicated to helping you save!

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