New Zealand Defence Force challenge coin next to pencils. A well-designed challenge coin comes with several perks!

Does the design of a challenge coin matter?

If you're in charge of creating one, you've probably pondered this more than once.

After all, the point of challenge coins is often to commemorate or celebrate an achievement or organisation, not pull in profits. 

Yet, we at Badges And Medals know that overlooking their design could mean missing out on several surprising benefits.

We've designed and created hundreds of thousands of challenge coins in the past 50 years and seen first-hand the transformative power of a great design. 

Join us as we explore what great challenge coin design looks like and how exactly it benefits you.

What is a 'good' challenge coin design?

'Good' challenge coin design, like most types of beauty, is often subjective.

In other words, it can depend on what you like, where you're from, how old you are, and even how you feel on a day.

But there are a few things that most people agree contribute towards a 'good' challenge coin design:

  • It should be easy to handle, show off and carry around - nothing too heavy or too fragile.
  • It should look different from other challenge coins. People love something unique!
  • It should resonate with recipients, making them feel proud of their achievements.

Venn diagram of what makes good challenge coin award design.

What are the benefits of good challenge coin design? 

  • Makes people feel more valued

Imagine you've received two challenge coins from different organisations, but one clearly is better designed than the other.

Which one makes you feel more valued? 

If you're like most of us, you'd pick the one with the better design.

Why? Because its design suggests that the organisation put more time and effort into it, implying that they care more about their members than their counterpart.

The design also feels like a better representation of you and your fellow awardees because it reflects the same commitment to quality and attention to detail you share.

This not only makes you feel more appreciated but also elevates the organisation's image and boosts its credibility.

  • Bigger boost in people's motivation

Think about the last time you nailed a project or presentation.

That feeling of accomplishment is second to none - except maybe when others take notice.

Research shows that recognising or rewarding people's achievements significantly boosts their morale and performance.

And when it comes to rewards, the more valuable it is, the more likely people are to push harder and perform better.

In other words, a well-designed challenge coin will increase motivation better than a poorly designed one. 

Custom Havelock Volunteer Fire Brigade challenge coin.Imagine if you were award this challenge coin after working a certain amount of days at your brigade. You'd certainly push harder!

  • Encourages positive reviews

Imagine the sense of joy that comes from your hard work being recognised with a beautifully crafted challenge coin.

Naturally, you'd share this experience with everyone in person and online.

Studies show that when people talk about their experiences - especially when those experiences are positive - their stories are often seen as more credible and impactful than standard advertising.

This authenticity helps to boost the reputation of your organisation.

It shows that you value and recognise the efforts of individuals, making your organisation an appealing place to work or volunteer.

  • Reflects your organisation's unique identity

You can tell a lot about someone by their clothes - where they are from, what they are like, and sometimes even what they believe in.

In the same way, a well-designed challenge coin tells a story about your organisation.

Every detail, from its shape and colours to its imagery and materials, showcases the unique character and values of your group.

In short, a good design gives everyone a glimpse of who you are.

Check out this example below.

At a glance, the challenge coin tells you:

  • What organisation the coin relates to. (The kiwi logo represents the Royal New Zealand Air Force.)
  • What squadron of the Air Force the challenge coin is for. (Thanks to the Avionics Squadron logo.)
  • That the Avionics Squadron has a sense of humour. (Note the fun inscription, “Without us they’re deaf, dumb and blind.”)

Custom Royal New Zealand Air Force challenge coin.

  • Increases collectability and social media attention

Challenge coins are a big collector's item.

When you nail the design of one, its collectability shoots up.

This has some great perks for your organisation.

If people know they will receive a good-looking challenge coin, they're more excited to attend the award ceremony, which can ramp up ticket sales and draw more attention to the event.

After the ceremony, the excitement doesn't just fizzle out.

Recipients are often eager to show off their challenge coins to friends, family, or collectors on social media.

This turns them into your organisation's unofficial promoters.

They keep the conversation going about your organisation and what it stands for, extending your reach and sparking interest in your future events and challenge coins.

In other words, free marketing!

  • Encourages future participation

Have you ever walked past a shop and spotted a t-shirt that caught your eye?

Suddenly, you find yourself visiting that store regularly, eagerly anticipating what unique design they will show next. 

That’s the allure of distinctive design - it captivates your interest and draws you into a world you want to be part of.

This same allure applies to the world of challenge coins, only it's amplified because they're often limited editions.

When people see an impressive firefighter challenge coin given to their friends or parents, their interest sparks, and they think, "What can I do to be a part of this?" 

  • Networking tool

It might surprise you to know that a well-designed challenge coin can be a powerful conversation starter, particularly at military, government, or corporate events.

How, you might ask?

A good design showcases your mission, achievements, or heritage, allowing strangers to quickly find common ground.

This can then lead to more meaningful conversations about what the coin represents, turning what might have been a brief, surface exchange into a lasting professional relationship.

Where to find challenge coin design inspiration?

While it might seem easier to go with a basic design, the advantages of putting more thought into it are clear.

Here at Badges And Medals, we've witnessed first-hand how a well-designed challenge coin can really make a brand or event shine.

We've highlighted how the right design can positively influence everyone involved.

Now that you understand the value of good design, why not dive deeper?

To get your creative juices flowing and take your challenge coin design up a notch, check out our article, 'Top 11 Challenge Coin Design Ideas [With Examples].'

It’s packed with innovative ideas to help you craft a coin that leaves a lasting impression.

Read: Top 11 Challenge Coin Design Ideas [With Examples]