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7 Hidden Costs On Custom Medal Orders

Written by Chloe Ranford | September 16, 2024 at 10:00 PM

Does this sound familiar?

You find what looks like a great custom medal price online, place your order, and then - bam! - you’re hit with extra charges.

Suddenly, the bargain isn’t such a bargain anymore.

Hidden costs on medal orders are more common than you think, and they can turn what should be a simple transaction into a frustrating ordeal.

The problem is that most suppliers aren’t upfront about these additional fees, and by the time you realise what’s happening, it’s too late to back out.

But with the right knowledge, you can steer clear of these surprises.

At Badges And Medals, we pride ourselves on being completely transparent about our costs.

We believe you deserve to know exactly what you’re paying for.

That's why, in this article, you’ll learn what hidden costs to watch out for and how to avoid them.

The Most Common Hidden Costs

  1. Medal setup fee

A medal setup fee is one of those costs that can catch you off guard if you've never ordered custom medals before.

Essentially, this fee is a one-time charge that covers the cost of setting up machines (in the case of wooden medals, for example) or creating a mould (in the case of metal medals, for example).

If you're not sure what a mould is, think of it as an ice cube tray - by making a custom tray (aka mould) we can create a custom cube (medal).

More about mould costs:

Once the mould is made, you don't have to pay for it again if you order the same design.

Suppliers usually charge one fee per design, because each design requires a mould.

To help you see how this works, here’s an example of what we mean:

You won't have to pay extra setup fees if you want different colours in the same design.

For example, the medals below are all covered by the same setup fee.

How to avoid this cost:

Unfortunately, this cost is usually unavoidable. Custom medals require custom moulds and specific machine setups.

Some suppliers might not list a separate fee, but they’ll still factor in the cost of the mould or machine setup into your medals - so you end up paying for it either way.

To avoid these costs catching you off guard, it’s a good idea to ask upfront about any medal setup fees.

You can also place a larger order to spread out the cost.

  1. Ribbon setup fee

One of the best things about ordering a custom medal is being able to customise the ribbon.

However, what many people don’t realise is that custom ribbons often come with a ribbon setup fee, which can catch you off guard if you’re not expecting it.

The fee covers the cost of printing your design, whether that's programming the design into a machine or paying someone's wages.

Typically, suppliers charge one setup fee for each ribbon design. 

So if, for instance, you’re hosting a marathon and a half-marathon with the same medal but want different custom ribbons for each event, you'll likely be charged two ribbon setup fees.

Here’s an example of what we mean:

How to avoid this cost:

Ribbon setup fees are generally only charged if you order custom ribbons.

So, you can avoid the setup fee altogether if you choose plain ribbons instead.

This is because plain ribbons feature just one or two colours, so don’t require the work that custom ribbons do.

  1. Artwork fee

When you’re ordering custom medals, getting the design just right is crucial.

Many suppliers will make you one for free, but here’s where you need to be careful: some don’t, or they might offer the first design for free and then charge you for any changes you want.

The idea is to cover the cost of the time and effort the supplier's team puts into creating your design, especially since there’s no guarantee you’ll go through with the order.

How to avoid this cost:

To avoid being stung with an artwork fee, choose a supplier that's upfront about not charging for artwork - like we are at Badges And Medals - or reach out and ask directly.

  1. Vectorisation fee

Before starting your artwork, suppliers will often ask if you have any logos or images that you'd like to include in your design.

If you do and you give them JPEG or PNG files, your supplier might hit a snag: both of those file types are made up of pixels - tiny dots of colour that lose quality when resized.

You’ve probably noticed this before when trying to enlarge an image, only to watch it become blurry or pixelated.

To avoid this and ensure your design looks sharp and professional, suppliers typically convert your image to a vector graphic.

Vector graphics are designed to maintain their detail no matter how much they're resized.

But here’s the catch: creating them takes time, so suppliers will charge a fee to cover this.

How to avoid this cost:

If you want to avoid this charge, try to give your supplier vector graphics from the start, or check with your supplier about their vectorisation policies.

Here are a few ways to get vectors:

  • If you or someone in your team has design software like Adobe Illustrator, you can vectorise your images before submitting them to the supplier.
  • Many free online tools and software programs can also convert JPEG or PNG files into vector graphics. These tools often have simple step-by-step processes.

The difference between a JPEG image (left) and vector graphic (right).

  1. Engraving fee

Engraving is a great way to personalise your custom medals, but it can sometimes come with a hidden cost, depending on when you choose to have the engraving done.

If you have your medals engraved while they’re being made, it’s usually more cost-effective for the supplier, because their machines are already set up.

But if you decide to add engraving after the medals are finished, that’s where the surprise comes in.

Many suppliers will hit you with an extra engraving fee to cover the cost of resetting their machines just for your order.

How to avoid this cost:

To avoid this cost, ask for your medals to be engraved as they're being made.

  1. Shipping fee

You might be thinking, “Well, duh, of course, there are shipping fees.”

After all, your medals need to get to you somehow, right?

But we've put shipping fees on this list because, honestly, they're easy to forget - especially since many suppliers don’t bring them up until your order is about to be posted.

By that point, you’re left feeling stuck with the unexpected expense, which can be a real headache if you work with a tight budget.

The tricky part is that shipping fees can vary significantly depending on the size of your order, where the medals are being shipped, and how quickly you need them.

Without knowing this upfront, you could be in for a surprise when the final cost comes due.

How to avoid this cost:

To avoid unexpected shipping fees, it’s important to ask your supplier about them upfront.

Find out whether they’re included in the quoted price or if they’ll be added later.

Some suppliers may offer free or discounted shipping, especially for larger orders, but it’s always better to know the full cost ahead of time.

Once that's done, check out our blog post: 'Best Ways To Save On Custom Award Shipping' for tips on lowering your shipping fee.

Ask for your medals to be engraved as they’re being made to save on costs.

  1. GST/VAT

One cost that can easily catch you off guard when ordering custom medals is GST or VAT.

These taxes, which stand for Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Value Added Tax (VAT), are often not included in the price you're quoted.

This happens because the supplier is waiting on your address to add the right tax, or they might be trying to pretty up their prices.

Either way, it's not a nice feeling when you later find out the total is 10% to 20% higher.

How to avoid this cost:

Check the supplier's website to make sure the price you’re seeing includes GST or VAT.

If it’s not mentioned, make sure to ask your supplier directly.

Take the next step:

At Badges And Medals, our goal is to ensure your next order is smooth, stress-free, and exactly what you’re expecting.

We've walked you through the common hidden costs to watch out for and how to avoid them.

Armed with this knowledge, you can now confidently order custom medals knowing there won’t be any surprises down the line.

Ready to take the next step? Check out our guide on ‘Best Custom Medal Design Ideas [With Examples]’.

Let’s make sure your next medal order is everything you want it to be.